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5 Ways To Thrive Under Pressure Before Exams

The title’s too ambitious. I should have probably gone for Five Ways How Not To Succumb To Pressure but that just doesn’t brim with those positive vibes I’d like to send your way, now does it? Plus, I’m too lazy to change it. Oh well. It’s that dreadful time of the year when a lot of my friends are preparing to sit for their repeats and their panic is a veritable force to be reckoned with. Stress is your constant companion when you’re in med school. It’s just one of those painful realities, like inevitably succumbing to the seasonal cold (curse you rhino/corona/whichever damned virus you are!) and having to pay taxes. You just painfully learn to accept that which you cannot change. Eventually most of us come to the startling epiphany that stress is the very same unwanted friend you love to publicly hate and rant about but secretly you’re eternally grateful for her existence in your life because, who are you kidding? If it wasn’t for her, your lazy ass would happil

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